Thursday, May 29, 2008

Neo-Cons VS Neo-Libs: A Few Definitions

(This is a reprint of an article I wrote from Nov., 2006 with a couple updates:)

I try very hard to have all of my opinions based on the ideas that we must have as small as possible government at all levels, that every person (or company) is responsible and accountable for their actions, and a true conservative would never utter the words "there ought to be a law", unless it was absolutely proven to be necessary.

Keeping this is mind, I set forth a few working definitions for terms I'll be using in future writings.

Conservative (classic definition): One who believes in small fiscally responsible government, especially limited at the Federal level to defense and necessary infrastructure, and is socially concerned, with answers for those concerns coming from the private sector. Examples are: Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley, Ronald Reagan, & JFK (surprised).

Liberal (classic definition): One who believes that government has all of the answers both politically and socially. One who wants to expand government at all levels. Examples: FDR, LBJ, Hubert Humphrey, & RFK (though he had many instances of conservative thought).

Moderate (Middle of the Road): One who is afraid to take a stand on issues, and usually resides in the middle of the road with the carcasses of the dead animals. Examples: None Living.

Neo-Conservative (Neo-Con): One who believes that his/her "Conservative" ideas are correct for everyone and wants the government to exist to make the people conform to these ideas through legislation, and therefore insists on big government to insure this. Pretends to be socially concerned. Examples: George Bush I, George Bush II, Ashcroft, and the Extreme Right.

Neo-Liberal (Neo-Lib): One who believes that his/her "Liberal" ideas are correct for everyone and wants the government to exist to make the people conform to these ideas through legislation, and therefore insists on big government to insure this. Pretends to be socially concerned. Examples; Pelosi, Murtha, Clinton I, Clinton II, Obama, and the Extreme Left.

Neo-Moderate (Neo-Mod): Still dead in the middle of the road, and as yet does not realize it.

As you can see the difference between the Neo-Cons and the Neo-Libs is how they insist we should live our lives.

The Classic Liberals are now considered Conservatives by the Neo-Libs, and the Classic Conservatives are considered Liberals by the Neo-Cons.

What a screwy world we live in, and we had better start correcting things ASAP. Obviously being a classic conservative I believe in the right for people to chose their on lives, spend their own money, and make their own decisions.

Speaking of politics and life, keep the facts, not the faith.

The Hammer

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