Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain/Palin: Finally After 20 Years

The past 20 years have been tough, at least for me. I felt so often I had to vote against a candidate for president instead of for one. Finally that is over.

I was not a John McCain supporter until this week. I felt that he was a little too liberal and I questioned his constant reaching across the aisle to the left.

I believe he has grown over the past few months, as we all have to when approaching a new job.

Tonight's speech really brought out the human side of him (he can be hard-headed and a little gruff), and convinced me he is the right man at the right time.

His wisdom was most impressively demonstrated when he chose Gov. Palin for his VP. Without cowering to the radical right he chose someone who could energize the real conservative, free market, small government voters in both parties.

I'm sure the special interests of both parties might be a little concerned, and I know the Trial Lawyers and Teachers Unions will fight tooth and nail against him. That should only convince everyone he is on the right track.

After 20 years it feels good to be excited about an election and finally feel like there is a real choice.

If you haven't already listened to both speeches by the candidates, please do. It will enliven you and give you real hope for the first time in a long time.

The Hammer

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