Sunday, April 12, 2009

Celebrate Easter Every Day: Personal Resurrection

For medical reasons, I have had to sleep in my recliner in the family room for the past three months. I do so with my companions Racer and Rockie (and sometimes Pepe). We have four dogs and a cat (that’s Pepe). We call them "our boys" (they are all males, it’s a long story). The other two are with my wife as she sleeps.

After a morning of rain, the clouds scattered and were thin enough that by night the rays of an almost full moon lit up the back patio last night and most of the room as I tried to sleep.

It was then that it occurred to me (as it often does) that I don’t understand how anyone could observe that moonlight piercing the trees that are just now springing back to life from a long winter and late spring, entering the glass in the doors as if they were not there, and shining onto the three faces looking at me as if I were a god and that person not understand the meaning of life.

The truth is that when I look into "the boys'" eyes (especially Racer's) I see their souls and the God that made them, and each of us. Animals (anima is Latin for soul) are instinctively close to God with their purity, and when we companion with them that brings us another way to bind with Him.

The business of religion and I parted thirty-seven years ago and I seriously doubt we will ever be rejoined. I sense no lose from that demise, for my relationship with the universe and nature and by my definition God is as close as or closer than it ever was.

Yes we‘ve had differences, (in the old days it was called back-sliding), and usually I sense a misdirection or some other mess up and get back on track, sometimes not. I can be stubborn.

I tell everyone that my Guardian Angel has had to work over time and when I finally cash in my chips he/she will get a much needed rest. You may ask as others have: “You really believe in angels?” You’re darn right I do. And you want to know something else, I believe in evil: figuratively and literally. It is written that most angels of God are his warriors that are called upon to fight the legions of evil. I believe that too.

This may sound very fundamentalist religion (it's not), but I consider myself a spiritual person not a religious one.

My wife asked me last week, “You really believe in evil? How?” I simply answered: “I watch the news.” She immediately understood.

William Shirer, the author of “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” wrote on a visit to Europe in the late thirties that when they crossed the border into Germany he immediately sensed the cold, the darkness, and the void of spirit that pervaded the land. By that time the Germans had turned to the dark side and some were even practicing occultists. Evil can be palpable, Shirer discovered that.

Now I know that some of you will not only question the validity of these observations, but will attempt to say that my usual writings and some references here are diametrically opposed to said spiritual life, hypocritical if you will.

You would be missing the point entirely. One of the greatest gifts God gave us is “Free Will”. I believe that you choose your life here on this earth so that you may learn what you need to know so that you can then pursue eternity. In that endeavor you have decisions to make and you have the “Free Will” do what’s right and what’s wrong. The repercussions of those choices will not only affect you and your eternal life, but also your family, friends, and country.

The dark cloud of evil I referred to earlier began to seep into our beloved country in the late 1800’s with such enactments as the Corporate Laws: where a company could be born, die, or file bankruptcy, just like a human, but operate without a soul.

The Darkness continued its slow and clandestine worming into our nation’s soul with practices and misdeeds of Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt (both believers of big beneficent government), then later with FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Bush I & II (and all of the legislators that allowed each of the tiny and large steps), until today the evil of a Fascist Government is standing and flexing its heads like the mythical multi-headed hydra. Put simply, now big government is “evil”, self-perpetuating, and the absolute enemy of its people.

I believe we will be called on in our lifetime to fight this evil, unless our leaders wake up or their Guardian Angels kick their worthless butts into action. Not everyone in DC and the State Capitals has fallen, but enough have. We could very easily be looking at a Second Civil War, one much more complicated and difficult than the last, and much more devastating.

Millions of lives ended over the last 250 years to grant the freedoms, liberties and rights we have today and are squandering. We may well be called upon to make that sacrifice again. That is where “Free Will” dynamically comes into play. We will each have to make a choice and take a side, pray we opt for the correct decision, and pay the consequences.

Let’s hope enough of us have been reared with the love of liberty, the knowledge of “Free Will”, and the burning desire to make it all right.

Most especially, pray that it doesn’t come to that, but it likely will as it has done so many times before. Most people forget or never know history and its constant repetition.

I am truly sorry to have to write about this on such a Holy Day for Christianity, and a Holy Week for Jews; however, I see it as absolutely necessary, for there may be no more of these Holy Days in our future. All religions and beliefs are already under attack, and it will only get worse. Look at the persecution of the Tibetan monks.

Be not afraid, let true hope rule your heart and mind, let the rising sun signal the daily resurrection of your soul and spirit. Listen with your heart to what Christ and other teachers have taught so you may learn to use your ‘Free Will” for the good of mankind, our wonderful country, and the Blessing of God,

The Hammer

Copyright Crickard Publishing 2009. All rights Reserved

Thursday, April 02, 2009

It IS Time To Dissolve the Federal Government!

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
Dante Alighieri

No, you did not read the title wrong. Most people don’t know that the Federal Government only exists at the will of the people through their individual states.

With the vote of 34 states (2/3) it can be dissolved and a new one put in its place. Already 22 states (up from 9 a couple weeks ago) have legislation to declare their Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment for one reason or another, mostly because of unconstitutional federal mandates.

Why should this even be considered? Here are just a few reasons.

1. As mentioned above, federal mandates that have helped push states to the brink of bankruptcy are an obvious burden and totally illegal. The constitution clearly states that all authority not specifically stated in the in its body is directly the rights of the states, the 10th amendment.

2. By using the Interstate Commerce commission laws of the 1950’s, the federal government has entered into our lives in everything from Housing (HUD) to Education. The only purpose of Washington is to protect our borders, our freedoms, and our liberties.

3. Now Sec. Geitner wants us to accept a world currency at the destruction of the US dollar.

4. He and his cohorts have nationalized part of the banking system and want to extend that to other financial and non-financial organizations, the car industry, energy, news media, and maybe your business, hoping to actually micro-manage them. Their statements indicate they don’t want to stop until most companies “they” deem a problem could be taken over by the government.

5. Congress has gone on a spending spree that makes the binge of the last 8 years look down right pitiful. The debt can never and will never be paid off except with funny money that will destroy the value and credibility of the greenback.

6. One of Pres. Obama’s lawyers Harold Koh wants our court system to be under international law. This is a huge step to losing our sovereignty and not only destroying our systems and culture, but the repercussions would accomplish the exact opposite of their intended purpose, and if accomplished almost irreversible.

7. Since it would be impossible to impeach Pres. Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Senators Reid, Frank, Rangles and Dodd (just to name a few) at one time, dissolving the government is the only answer.

8. People have claimed past administrations were corrupt, but this is the first administration I’ve ever seem that purposefully went out of its way to bring into power so many street thugs and persons who in the outside world would probably be in jail for felonies.

9. This administration lies at every opportunity, encourages mob rule (to attack the IG families), defies the constitution, ignores laws such as established contract law, and at every move tries to destroy our national standing and sovereignty. Millions have died for this and we can’t ignore their sacrifices.

10. The very characters that bewailed the excesses of the past 2 administration are helping to bring about an absurdist Autocratic form of Fascism.

If even these few examples aren’t enough to consider disbanding, there are many more.

This did not happen just over the last 2 years but began about 1913 with the formation of the Federal Reserve System, and the fostering of national and super national corporations (more about that point in future articles). This has been in the works for generations.

If you think this reformation is impossible or has never been done, that is true only here. Latvia just recently reorganized their young government, Italy has many since WWII, and Columbia has had over 235 in the last 200 years.

These are obviously weak countries that have never gotten it right. So true, but what does that say of us. After 233 years we have come to the same end. We are rapidly becoming an autocratic potentially tyrannical fascist state.

I do not say this lightly, and I do so with a sad broken heart for our loss. The majority of the States have to declare their sovereignty and opt for a Constitutional Convention, dissolve, and reform the Federal Government. I believe this one is beyond repair. The answer is a complete return to a Constitutional Democratic Republic and a repudiation of the current leaders on both sides of the aisle.

As our citizens lose everything they worked for, and see they and their families lives destroyed, they will act. Americans are slow to anger , but when they reach that point watch out! Failure to change it all for the better could bring on a 2nd Civil War, much nastier than the first one.

With all of our faults we were the strongest, most generous, and moral country that has ever existed, and without that we as a nation and most of the world’s citizens have no chance in hell of a future.

As Always be knowledgeable, vigilant, and prepared,

The Hammer

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