Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac: An Unholy Brew
Even I was confused on this one. Talk about intricate conniving on a grand scale.
Copyright Crickard Publishing 2008. All rights Reserved
FYI: P.I. = Pissed & Irate. I follow two (2) very simple rules in life: Each of us is responsible for his/her actions & each of us is accountable for his/her actions. It sounds simple, right? But it is seldom the case, especially in our society, and especially here is the Socialist Republic of Maryland. This is a no-holds-barred look at current news, ideas, philosophy, and the people and events that shape our lives. For Freedom and Liberty! B. Sledge.
Even I was confused on this one. Talk about intricate conniving on a grand scale.
The Inconvenient Truth is that Global Warming is an established money maker. As always, follow the bucks. Why do people like Al Gore and Michael Moore jump on these and other theories? Money. They make lots of it. Al gets $175,000 speaking fees. His projected earnings are in the millions.
The Corporate Bankruptcy Act of 1898.
If you read Mr. Drutman’s fairly concise article (I used this because it is an easy read, the information is available in thousands of places), you will find that Corporations gradually changed over 200 plus years.
In 1886 the Supreme Court ruled that they were protected by the 14th Amendment just as people were. In 1889 the
The “Big Daddy” of them all was the Corporate Bankruptcy Act of 1898. After that corporations had the rights of any human: to be born, to live and grow, to die, and to go bankrupt.
However, the one thing they don’t have we mere mortals do have… is accountability and responsibility; i.e. they have limited liability in all of their actions.
A couple offshoots today are the Subchapter S corps (originally designed for professionals, but anyone can use them), and LLCs (Limited Liability Companies).
What does all this mean to each of us? Pretty much everything. A corporation can be formed, used to produce, promote, or manipulate anything. Even drug lords use them to cover actions. Cruise ships, tankers, most everything floating on the sea are incorporated to limit liability, mostly in such places as
Customers, employees, and shareholders can get screwed with impunity (as well as the general public in so many ways). Just ask the people that owned and worked for Enron.
For every corporate officer that goes to jail, hundreds go to the
Multinationals even run countries. The Nestle corporation is so powerful it can dictate terms to governments in
You might ask, how else we can structure companies so that they can operate? The answer is quite simple: stock companies and bonds.
The difference is that in a stock company each and every shareholder is responsible for the actions of the company and has no limits on his/her liability. Until recently a lot of Insurance companies were stock companies and even their policy holders could get dividends if the company was managed properly and did well.
The largest of these is a quasi-stock company (actually a syndicate) called Lloyd’s of London. For centuries it handled insurance risks that no one else would. The “shareholders”, their List of Names, furnished the capital and took the risks. Usually they got their quarterly or yearly dividend and were happy as could be. Even Names such as Uncle Harry living in that house at the end of the street had a piece. That all changed in the last years of the 20th century when Law Suits of all sorts descended on them until Parliament passed legislation limiting their liability to bad faith occurrences. Even they fell to the pressures of the modern era when no one has fault, liability, or responsibility.
The concept of a Stock company financed with shareholders and bond holders is not novel, but it protects everyone. It protects our environment, products, and insures we will not be at the hands of ruthless or incompetent corporations (and I am not saying they all are, but they all can be).
The Corporate Bankruptcy Act of 1898 sealed our fate in this matter. I don’t see anything changing in the near future, or ever. This has nothing to do with politics as both sides of the aisle were and still are responsible, and money and power is and always was, the major force in our economy.
The reason for these articles is that the more informed you are; the more you understand; the less likely you are to be disillusioned or depressed. At least, that is what I hope.
If you want to know more, fallow the above links, or Google any of this and look into it. It is really eye-opening.
Always be alert, we need as many “lerts” we can get,
The Hammer
The past 20 years have been tough, at least for me. I felt so often I had to vote against a candidate for president instead of for one. Finally that is over.
I was not really very interested in this election because all I saw were 3 Liberals running on both tickets, and quite frankly I’m tired of it after 20 years of liberal fiscal policies in the Federal Government.
Last night Senator Fred Thompson showed the Republican Convention what a real conservative looks and sounds like. Here is the speech in its entirety if you haven’t heard it: Fred Thompson Speech.
This election has turned into a no contest, no-brainer (a line which I’m sure the libs will jump on, let them). The truth usually hurts and makes the liars squirm, and the libs are really quivering now.